Postdoctoral Researcher – EnergyPROSPECTS Horizon 2020 Project
School of Geography, Archaeology and Irish Studies
Ref. No. NUIG RES 170-21
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a part-time (0.8 FTE/4 days per week) fixed term (30 months) position as a Postdoctoral Researcher with Geography at the National University of Ireland Galway, under a new H2020 energy social science project EnergyPROSPECTS. This position is funded by the European Commission through the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme and is available from 1 November 2021 to contract end date of 30 April 2024.
Job description:
The successful candidate will join an international team of leading energy researchers on the EnergyPROSPECTS European project. The 3-year EU funded EnergyPROSPECTS project began in the summer of 2021 and aims to explore the ways in which energy citizenship affects the clean-energy transition process across Europe. Through in-depth case study work, EnergyPROSPECTS will develop evaluation frameworks, indicator sets and toolkits to critically assess the conditions favouring active energy citizenship. The successful candidate will work with the team to match suitable models with different countries, and conduct a citizen survey in Ireland to appraise the validity of various options. The proposed work advances critical assessment of the possibilities and limits of energy citizenship through innovative approaches.
We are seeking a researcher with experience in energy social sciences, energy citizenship, and/or energy governance. Working with project Lead Coordinator, Prof. Frances Fahy, the successful candidate will be responsible for tasks such as: collection of field work data in Ireland, developing working relationships between consortium partners, as well as developing policy and academic outputs. The candidate will be expected to undertake fieldwork in the west of Ireland and present their work in oral format, at the international project meetings and symposia. Please note that this is a part time post at 4 days a week equivalent (80% FTE).
- Actively participate as a member of the EnergyPROSPECTS European research team and assist the research leader by managing the operation of the project.
- Undertaking EnergyPROSPECTS project research activities, including planning, organising, conducting, and communicating research studies within the overall scope of these European research projects.
- Coordinate and perform a variety of independent tasks and European team activities involved in the collection, analysis, documentation and interpretation of information/results, e.g. undertake a PESTEL (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) analysis of contextual conditions at the EU. National and regional levels will generate insights for the project into the importance of external environmental variables for energy citizenship at different levels.
- Develop timely policy input and recommendations.
- Networking with international partners comprising of local authorities, NGOs and other universities and research institutes.
- Coordinating the development of desk top reviews as well as the application of qualitative and quantitative research techniques.
- Conduct literature and database searches, interpret and present the findings of the literature searches as appropriate.
- Write up results from research activity, present them at the conferences and workshops, and contribute to the publication of findings.
- Presenting information on research progress and outcomes to others responsible for the research project.
- Present on research progress and outcomes as appropriate, e.g. to bodies supervising research, steering groups, other team members as agreed with the PI.
- Lead some impact and engagement activities, and undertake some project related administration under the direction of the PI as appropriate.
Qualifications/skills required:
Essential requirements:
- A PhD in a relevant social science discipline is essential.
- A candidate should have a track record in energy research as evidenced by a relevant publication record.
- Knowledge of energy in the European context.
- Postdoctoral experience of working in academic research environment.
- Ability to work independently on dissemination of research finings.
- Candidates should be self-motivated and have the following essential criteria: excellent communication and organizational skills and have strong documentation, oral and interpersonal skills.
Desirable requirements:
- Capability to develop independent research activity.
- Experience of disseminating academic work through social media.
- Previous experience working with European research consortia.
- Experience working with multiple stakeholders.
Employment permit restrictions apply for this category of post
Salary: EUR 38,631 to EUR 47,265 per annum pro rata (public sector pay policy rules pertaining to new entrants will apply).
Start date: position is available from 1 November 2021
Further information on research and working at NUI Galway is available on Research at NUI Galway. Researchers at NUI Galway are encouraged to avail of a range of training and development opportunities designed to support their personal career development plans. NUI Galway provides continuing professional development supports for all researchers seeking to build their own career pathways either within or beyond academia. Researchers are encouraged to engage with our Researcher Development Centre (RDC) upon commencing employment – see Researcher Development Centre webpage for further information.
For information on moving to Ireland please see EURAXESS Ireland website.
Further information about Geography is available at the Geography section of the NUI Galway website.
Informal enquiries concerning the post may be made to Prof. Frances Fahy (frances.fahy@nuigalway.ie).
To apply:
Applications must include covering letter, CV and the contact details of three referees. All this information should be sent via e-mail (in Word or PDF only) to Prof. Frances Fahy: frances.fahy@nuigalway.ie.
Please put reference number NUIG RES 170-21 in subject line of e-mail application.
Closing date for receipt of applications is 8 September 2021, 5 PM.
Interviews are planned to be held on 17 September 2021.
Due to the University closure related to COVID-19, interviews may have to take place virtually and start dates may need to be delayed.
NUI Galway reserve the right to re-advertise or extend the closing date for this post.
All positions are recruited in line with Open, Transparent, Merit (OTM) and competency-based recruitment.
National University of Ireland Galway is an equal opportunities employer.