The Empowerment Toolkit: A knowledge repository to help you develop your empowerment as a part of an ENCI initiative.
The Empowerment Toolkit is designed to help you better understand and practice the concept of empowerment within an Energy Citizenship initiative (hereafter, ENCI). The toolkit includes several knowledge resources that have been produced by the EnergyPROSPECTS consortium over the last three years (2021-2024).It is customised to support your empowerment journey.
The Empowerment Toolkit has been devised as a practical resource for citizens and practitioners, both those who feel capable and motivated to act in the energy system, though do not yet know how to approach this system, and those who have already embarked upon their journey towards empowerment by participating in this ENCI initiative. The purpose of the toolkit is to provide citizens with a set of resources that may assist them to increase their capacity for control, allowing them to be heard and attain a sense of ownership within the energy system.
What does this tool provide and how can it be used?
As the tool is designed for a wide audience, we start by introducing you in a synthetic way to the core concept of this project. Full information on Energy Citizenship can be found HERE. In addition, further information on the typology that has been proposed within the project can be found HERE. These links will serve as a common thread for many of the elements that will be addressed in the following.
Feel free to skip this part if you are already familiar with it. We present you with a navigation scheme, where you can choose the path you want on your way to empowerment.

Selecting your path towards your empowerment journey
Here you have two paths you can follow on your empowerment journey. Below, we suggest that you answer a series of questions that are designed to help you make the decision regarding which path to choose. please click on the figure below to answer some questions that will help you select your pathway:
Note that, since it is a path, we recommend that you stop at each question and follow the recommendations indicated in each of them. For example, if your path begins, it is possible that all or some of the answers to the questions in step 1 will be "No" at some point, so it would be appropriate for you to follow the recommendation at this point, without moving to the next one yet. You will have the opportunity to do so later.