Key points and commitments
Some key points to harness motivation, autonomy and choice, and individual empowerment to contribute to the energy transition:
In this section, we highlight some key points to help you harness motivation, autonomy and individual empowerment:
Motivation is our daily fuel. It helps us to mobilise ourselves every day to make choices, decisions, to seek out different solutions to daily problems. In short, it helps us to act. There is no single motivation behind our behaviour, but rather a set of factors that drive our actions. It is important to understand what drives us, what barriers we will encounter and what we as individuals can do to feel supported and supportive of others in this process. Awareness of your own commitments and responsibilities is key to action, especially, when it is intertwined with concern for the future that will be left behind for coming generations [‘We did not inherit this earth from our parents, we have it on loan from our children'. That appealed to me enormously. I wanted to try it for my son and for other kids” (Interview 14, Energy cooperative)]. What about you:

Responsibility that drives most of our respondents to act at different levels (on an individual level, through initiatives and by trying to influence the wider energy system):
I think that we can act from an individual point of view and that's what will be useful. It's not so much about responsibility or I would say that everybody should take care of producing their own energy. But if you want to be useful, if you want to do something that has an impact, do something very concrete that you can do, that doesn't cost much (Interview 7, Energy cooperative).
We conclude by offering some key points to harness motivation, autonomy and choice, and individual empowerment to contribute to the energy transition: