On February 8, the researchers’ team of the University of Latvia EnergyProspects project took part in a bilateral meeting with the Climate and Energy Ministry of Latvia to discuss opportunities to enhance energy citizenship (ENCI) component in the updated version of the National Energy and Climate Plan which is under public consultation process now.
The reason for the updating of the Plan is more ambitious energy and climate goals to promote transition to climate neutrality in 2050. The results of EnergyProsects informed the research team about current ENCI practices and their hindering and supporting factors. With these knowledge, the researchers see opportunities for better integration of ENCI support mechanisms in the fields of electricity, transport, construction and waste management, to name a few of the most obvious.
The main recommendations made to the ministry relate to
1) removal of barriers for implementation of technologies and energy communities;
2) greater clarity on the responsibilities of institutions regarding ENCI governance;
3) social justice to address economic and regional disparities and energy poverty;
4) integration of the social dimension's in the programming of support mechanisms;
5) compensation mechanisms and inclusive decision making regarding community development needs;
6) expand the knowledge base and support research on the social and behavioural aspects of citizen choices.
Both parties agreed on future collaboration on ENCI matters.