In the second EnergyPROSPECTS brief, we introduce ten tentative types of citizen involvement in the energy transition.
EU policy makers are well aware that citizen participation and acceptability of the energy transition will determine the success of the Green Deal. Energy citizenship is a key concept in this quest, but for many, it remains vague and unknown. Broadly, energy citizenship encompasses the various ways that citizens are involved in the energy transition, and the ten types illustrate how, where and with whom citizens engage and to what end. In the light of Putin’s atrocious invasion of Ukraine, and the EU’s new commitments through REPowerEU to end the dependence on Russian fossil fuels well before 2030, the different types of energy citizenship can be used to inspire action, debate, and support for more citizen involvement.
Conceptual typology – Deliverable 2.2
Throughout the project we will summarize each major deliverable in a brief form, to make the findings from EnergyPROSPECTS more accessible to a wider audience. Stay tuned for the next one.