Among the 596 cases mapped, there are many initiatives that for a long time have contributed to the "REPowerEU" objectives of energy savings and renewable deployment. Énergie Partagée is one such example.
Worth to note in this context: How accelerating the deployment of renewable energy can help reduce inflation and protect EU citizen’s from the impacts of high fossil fuel prices. Policy brief by "E3G".
Energie Partagée was founded in 2010 and is a movement that promotes citizens’ renewable energy production in France through:
- advocacy and information
- supporting, equipping, and facilitating citizen projects
- financing by engaging citizens’ savings for the transition.
Their vision of the future energy system is based on the The négaWatt Association scenario: sufficiency, efficiency and renewables, with emphasis on strong ownership of citizens and local actors, shared governance and ecology as guiding principles.
One of their key asks has been to introduce a quantified target of citizen owned renewable energy in France – something that could be interesting at the EU level to ensure citizens’ involvement in the transition with ongoing discussions on speeding up renewable permitting.